How to Add the Texture Atlas Icon to Studio

The Texture Atlas plugin reduces the size of textures for a model and gathers them all to one single texture. Texture Atlas can be helpful for rendering large scenes in Daz Studio as it will reduce the overall texture size so there is less of a drain on system resources.  

The Texture Atlas can be accessed in Daz Studio. Instructions are included below. 

Option 1: Right click the “Surfaces” pane and then select “Texture Atlas.” A new dialog pop up window will then appear.


Option 2:
  Customize the existing layout by adding the Texture Atlas Icon to the interface at the top.  To do this: open the Customize Dialogue by pressing 'F3' on the keyboard. This opens the 'Customize Dialogue,' shown below:


The left side provides different interface options listed under “Action.” These are buttons and controls that can be customized in the interface. The right side provides the places where these may be added.


On the left, scroll down to “Texture Atlas” and expand it to see the icon. For this example, we are placing the “Texture Atlas next to the “Distant Lighting” tool. Drag and drop the 'Texture Atlas' icon from the left side to the right side.


Once the above steps have been completed, the “Texture Atlas” icon will appear within the bar above the Viewport. 

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