Camera Parameter: Focal Length & F/Stop and Depth of Field

Within the 3D world, everything is in focus after rendering, which can produce a more sterile scene. By adding Depth of field to the scene a more natural render is then produced. After the preferred scene has been placed within the viewport, we will discuss how to create a camera for that scene. In addition we will provide all the parameters for the Camera, and how to render with Depth of Field.

To create a Camera, select “Create” from the top menu toolbar, and then select, “New Camera” from the drop down menu. A popup box will appear with the title “Create New Camera.” Within this popup, type in the preferred Camera name and label and then select how the Camera will be centered within the Viewport. After the preferred options have been entered, select “Accept.” 

Camera Parameters:
The Camera’s “settings” are found within the “Parameters” pane.  Depth of Field is a captured image that will appear in some places in focus, while other places will remain out of focus. This is created by a phenomenon of light entering the photographic lens. This area needs to be turned ON in order to render with Depth of Field.  


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