Content Manager Data Base: Things to be aware of during use.
1. There are 2 ways to get content from your hard drive into the Data Base (DB). First you can do an automated scan, this will scan all your mapped runtimes and add the data into the DB. Second, you can "view files as list" browse to the folder and right click on the data to "Create Category from Folder" this way you are moving data to the DB as you want to organize it.
2. Data that is new to the DB is "Marked" this means it's highlighted in the "View Categories" view. You'll see that it is colored different or it has a mark next to the file or category name indicating that it's new. You can then browse to the location to see where the data lives. Once you select the data, it will clear this indication. Or you can right click over the data, and select "Mark as Viewed". This will clear the settings of the new data.
3. Scanning can take some time if you have large sets of content or multiple drives with content. You can rescan each time you install new content to have it show up in the DB. However, if your content files are large it's recommended that you; switch to view the content as list or tree, browse to the new file location, and right mouse click to "Create Category from Folder". This allows you to add content without a full rescan of the data. In our next release the rescan will be optimized to work much faster.
4. Smart Content Pane is for content that is predetermined is certain categories for your convenience. This way you will not have to search in the Content Library for certain products you would like to use. To know it is Smart Content look for the "tick" or "check mark" in DIM (DAZ Install Manager) under Installed tab. However, at any time you can move or copy your data into categories you've organized.
5. Data that is scanned or created as a category from a folder will be displayed in the Un-Categorized folder.
6. If you want to go back to using the file structure from your hard drive, it's very simple to use the Content Tab Options to select "View Folders as Tree". This moves you out of the DB and back to the hard drive file structure.
7. The process of categorizing data from the Un-Categorized folder is not difficult. In Content Tab Options select > View Categories As List. The user can select any folder and drag the folder and it's contents to any category to organize the data as desired. Content can be copied (using Ctrl) to be located in multiple locations.