Using and installing Aiko 4

Question: How do I Install Aiko 4 and get her to work?

Answer: Aiko 4 is now available, along with the new Aiko 4 Pro Bundle and many other Aiko 4 products. To install this figure you will need to follow these simple steps.*

(* BEFORE INSTALLING AIKO 4 YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE UPDATED AND INSTALLED VICTORIA 4.2!!! If you need help on getting Victoria 4.2 installed please follow this link to the V 4.2 FAQ. )


Please note that you will need to install Aiko 4 into the same Runtime that you have installed Victoria 4.2 in otherwise you will run into some problems like Aiko's figure loading with Victoria 4.2's eyes. (This looks much stranger then it sounds)


1. Make sure you have the latest version of DAZ Studio installed.  You can get it from

2. Download the file ps_pe073_Aiko4.exe (Aiko 4) from your Available Downloads section of your account.

3. Run the ps_ps073_Aiko4.exe (Aiko 4) file.

4. When you get to the step that asks you where you would like to install it to you will need to have it install to the same directory that you have installed Victoria 4.2. The default location is C:\Program Files\Daz\Studio\Content.

5. After it has finished installing it will ask you if you would like to Initialize and view the Readme. You must choose YES to initialize this product or it will not work properly.

6. After you have finished installing the figure you can load it by going to the Figures folder in your Content Library and then going to the DAZ People folder. There you will see the Aiko 4 icon that you can double click on to load your new figure.

MAC Instructions 

1. Make sure you have the latest version of DAZ Studio installed. You can get it from

2. Download the file ps_pe073_Aiko4.sit (Aiko 4) from your Available Downloads section of your account. If you double click on the ps_pe073_Aiko4.sit file it will unstuff the file called

3. Run the (Aiko 4) file.

4. When you get to the step that asks you where you would like to install it to you will need to have it install to the same directory that you have installed Victoria 4.2. The default location is /Applications/DAZStudio/content.

5. After it has finished installing it will ask you if you would like to Initialize and view the Readme. You must choose YES to initialize this product or it will not work properly.

6. After you have finished installing the figure you can load it by going to the Figures folder in your Content Library and then going to the DAZ People folder. There you will see the Aiko 4 icon that you can double click on to load your new figure.


Question: How do I get the Morphs++ dials to work with Aiko 4?*

Answer: To get the Victoria 4 Morphs++ dials to work with Aiko 4 you will need to first load the Aiko 4 figure and then with her selected in the scene you will need to go to the Poses file in the Content Library and then to "DAZ's Victoria 4" then "Morph Injections". In this folder you will see the "INJ Base V4" tile and the "INJ Morphs++" tile. If you double click on these it will inject the figure with these morphs and you can access the dials in the parameters settings.

*Victoria 4.2 Morphs++ is a product that is sold seperate from Aiko 4 or the Victoria 4.2 base, you may use this link to find it in the DAZ 3D store:


Question: When I load Aiko 4 into a scene she loads with very small eyes but has larger eye sockets. How do I fix this?

Answer: If you have V4.2 and Aiko4 in a separate Runtime (which is possible), then this will happen. To fix it you should uninstall Aiko 4 and reinstall her to the same directory that you have Victoria 4.2 installed.  If you still have this problem then try installing V4.2 to the C:\Program Files\Daz\Studio\Content and after initializing V4.2, install Aiko 4 to the same directory and initial Aiko 4.  (You may need to set this directory to the Daz Studio Content Directories setting under Preferences-Directories in Daz Studio)

Question: Will all my old/existing Victoria 4 characters, clothing, accessories, and scenes still work with Aiko 4?

Answer: YES! You can now use Victoria 4's Clothing, Hair, Morphs, and Accessories with Aiko 4! The only change to how Aiko 4 works with add-ons is that any characters that relied on morphs from the Victoria 4 Morphs++ product for their final look, will now need to have the Morphs++ parameters (morphs) INJected prior to the character being dialed up, in order to achieve the same look.


Question: Can I install multiple copies of Aiko 4? Or, can I install her to different Runtimes, etc?

Answer: We strongly discourage this practice. It is possible that you will run into issues when having multiple copies of Aiko 4 installed on your machine. It is possible if you really know how Aiko 4's resources files work, but we strongly discourage it for all users.

For DAZ Studio Users: If you have multiple mapped runtimes, to avoid conflicts, you should install Aiko 4 to just one, and only one of those runtimes.

For Poser Users: If you have multiple mapped runtimes, and to avoid very slow loading times and conflicts, we HIGHLY recommend that you install Aiko 4 to a single runtime within the Poser application path on your machine (for example, under the main Program Files>e-frontier path for WIN OS)


Question: If I moved Aiko 4 around on my machine manually, how do I make sure that she gets overwritten correctly?

Answer: The easy answer is that you locate the runtime folder where you've moved Aiko 4 and select the folder above that runtime as your Aiko 4 install path and then move Aiko 4 manually to your new desired location. Otherwise, you will need to reference the readme file that came with Aiko 4 and locate and remove all of her files manually.


Question: How is Aiko 4 different than Aiko 3?

Answer: Aiko 4 contains four new body shapes, five new head shapes, and dozens of new morphs. Aiko 4 can also easily mix-and-match with Victoria head and body morphs. Aiko 4 works in tandem with most Victoria 4.2 add-ons such as clothing, hairstyles, morphs, and accessories. This means you are getting more versatility from Aiko 4 than what was possible with Aiko 3.


Question: Why does Aiko 4 require Victoria 4.2?

Answer: Delivered as a powerful set of morph targets which work on top of the solid Victoria 4.2 base, Aiko 4 works in tandem with Victoria 4.2 add-ons such as clothing, hairstyles, morphs, and accessories. This means you are getting maximum versatility and compatibility for minimum expense.


Question: What's new in Aiko 4?

Answer: Aiko 4 includes the following:

  • · Aiko 4 Morph for Victoria 4
  • · New Aiko Morphs
  • · All Aiko 4 Head and Body Morphs Can be Injected into Victoria 4!
  • · Compatible with Most Victoria 4 Addons (Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry, etc)
  • · Fully Compatible with all Victoria 4 Texture Maps!
  • · Compatible with DAZ Studio 1.8 and Poser 6+
  • 5 Anime Head Styles:
    • Aiko 4
    • American
    • Realistic
    • Realistic Classic
    • Stylized
  • 4 Anime Body Styles:
    • Aiko 4
    • Petite
    • Realistic
    • Stylized
  • New Eye Morphs
    • BlinkCurve (L and R)
    • EyesAngleDown
    • EyesAngleUp
    • EyesFoldSmooth
    • EyesGlum
    • EyesGumdrop
    • EyesIndignant
    • EyesInSquare
    • EyesLazy
    • EyesLowAngleUp
    • EyesLowerFlat
    • EyesOutPeak
    • EyesOutRound
    • EyesPeeved
    • EyesSarcasm
    • EyesShape1
    • EyesShape2
    • EyesShape3
    • EyesSmile
    • EyesTroubled
    • EyesUpperFlat
    • EyesZen
    • EyesWince (L and R)
    • IrisHuge
  • New Brow Morphs
    • BrowAngleUp
    • BrowBashful (L and R)
    • BrowConfounded (L and R)
    • BrowIndignant (L and R)
    • BrowInnerUp (L and R)
    • BrowOuterDown (L and R)
    • BrowOuterUp (L and R)
    • BrowPeeved (L and R)
    • BrowPerplexed (L and R)
    • BrowSmiling (L and R)
    • BrowTroubled (L and R)
    • LashesGone
  • New Mouth Morphs
    • MouthBashful
    • MouthDisappointment
    • MouthDisgust
    • MouthFurious
    • MouthGlum
    • MouthLaugh
    • MouthOpenRound
    • MouthShock
    • MouthTroubled
    • MthConfound (L and R)
    • MthStrainedSmile
    • OpenMouth
    • Psst (L and R)
    • Smile
    • Smile (L and R)
    • SmileAngle (L and R)
    • SmileOpen
    • TeethOpen
    • TeethSize
  • HandsSmooth
  • TaperFingers
  • NoseTriangle
  • SimpleEars

The following is taken from the Aiko 4 Base Readme:

  • Aiko 4 requires the Victoria 4 Base product to be installed in DAZ Studio. To increase compatibility between our models, Aiko 4 is built on the Victoria 4.2 technology and uses the Victoria 4.2 OBJ as well as the Victoria 4.2 EXP support files.
  • Aiko 4 provides her own morphs, but she is intended to be used in conjunction with Victoria's morphs. Not all of the Victoria morphs will provide the best results at a value of one, but thousands of new shapes are possible as you combine morphs and dial the values up. In this way, Aiko is more versatile than ever before.
  • Aiko 4 comes with a new CR2 file located in the DAZ People folder. This is a new version of the Victoria 4.2 CR2 file that automatically injects the Aiko morphs and dials the base morph. Restoring or resetting the morphs on the Aiko 4 figure will restore to the Aiko base morph being on. This will not happen if you load the Aiko morphs on the Victoria 4.2 CR2 separately.
  • Aiko 4's extreme expressions are isolated to the mouth. We have provided extra controls for adjusting the teeth size, tongue size and the space between the teeth for maximum versatility. Please Note that the teeth will not automatically move when using the Aiko 4 expressions for this reason!
  • Aiko uses the same magnetize poses for clothing as Victoria 4.2's magnetize poses. In DAZ Studio you only need to load the first magnetized pose for clothing.

In Poser you apply the magnetize pose that has the number that corresponds to the instance of Victoria in the scene.

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