How do I Install Daz Connect Products Using Offline Packages?

Step 1: Log into your account at


Step 2: Select the “Product Library” button from the top menu toolbar within your account. 


Step 3:
Select the product in the Product Library that you wish to download for the offline package.


Step 4:
Click “Daz Connect the Offline Package”and “Offline Authorization” to download the .sep and .sea files for offline installation. Both files are required in order for Offline Installation to work correctly.


Step 5: Launch Daz Studio and login. This is required only once and is not required for each product. After the initial login, you can log out of Daz Studio and do not need to log in again.


Step 6:  Right-click on the “Content Library pane,” and then select “Content Directory Manager.”


Step 7: Expand “Daz Connect Data,” by selecting the “+” next to it. This is the path that to locate the chosen mapped directory within “File Explorer.” 


Step 8: Within “File Explorer,” navigate to the chosen mapped directory by first selecting “OS (C:).” After selecting “OS (C:),” continue navigating through “File Explorer” by selecting the following path: Daz3D/Applications/Data/Daz3d/My Daz 3d Library. The final result should appear like the image below. 


Step 9: Continue selecting “data,” and then select “cloud.” The final result should appear like the image below. If the install folder does not exist, you will need to create a new folder. - continue to Step 10 on how to create a new folder. If this sub-directory folder does exist, continue to Step 11. .


Step 10: Above the “Home” tab, select the “Folder” icon. After selecting this icon, a new folder will appear. Type the title, “install” - in all lower case, or as shown below. 


Step 11: Now the files that were previously saved (Offline Package (*.sep) and the Offline Authorization (*.sea)) will need to be copied into the “install’ folder. This can be completed by copying and pasting the files and/or dragging and dropping them into the correct folder. 

Step 12: Within Studio, right click on the “Smart Content” pane, and select “Install Offline Products...” from the drop down menu.


**Final results: The *.sep and *.sea files for a given product will be removed from the ./data/cloud/install directory as that product is installed.

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