If you leave Daz Studio open when updating the software, your interface may turn white, or have a strange interface with limited functionality. This is an error with the interface that happens if Daz Studio is open while going through an update. To avoid this error, make sure Daz Studio is not open when installing updates.
To fix the interface within Daz Central - Close Daz Studio. Within Daz Central, select “Daz Studio” from the right hand side navigation under “Applications.” Select the drop down arrow next to “Open” and select “Uninstall.” Within the same window of Daz Central, you can then reinstall Daz Studio by selecting the green button, “Install.”
To fix the interface within Daz Install Manager (DIM) - Close Daz Studio. Then, open Install Manager, and uninstall all versions of Daz Studio and PostgreSQL CMS. Then reinstall Daz Studio using Daz Install Manager. Then reinstall PostgreSQL CMS (whichever bit and version you need).
If this does not resolve the interface issue, submit a Technical Support ticket.