Credit cards can be declined for a variety of reasons. Following the steps below may assist in correcting some of those issues; however, you are also encouraged to contact the Credit Card provider to seek additional assistance if your credit card continues to decline.
Step 1: Clear the browser’s cache and cookies, and try processing the order again.
Step 2: Delete and re-add the Credit Card from your account. For further assistance, refer to the article “How to Add/Delete a Payment Method.”
Step 3: Confirm the default Billing & Shipping addresses have been updated within your account. This is required in order to avoid this error. For further assistance, refer to the article, ”How do I change the billing address on my Daz 3D account?”
Additional Details: When adding the Credit Card to your Daz 3D account, the address must be the same as the address you listed for that Credit Card.
Step 4: Remove any special characters (IE: ', ~, `) within your name or address in your account.
Step 5: Antivirus or firewall(s) could be blocking the Daz 3D website. At the user(s) discretion, disabling the firewall may also assist with processing the order.
Step 6: Attempt to run your browser as administrator. To do this: Right click on the launch icon from your desktop and choose Run as Administrator.
If you are still experiencing issues, Submit a Sale Support ticket.